
Our Vision is to guarantee the availability of food in every household.

Our mission

Kyrenia’s farm exists to provide diverse food and agricultural products and services to our customers. We do this through our initial involvement in three core agricultural product offerings:

  • Palm oil refining & packaging

  • Garri packaging

  • Soya Bean farming and sale.

Our core values
  • Integrity

  • Sustainability

  • Reliability

  • Responsibility


We operate across the value chain on specific crop types from farms and plantations to procurement, trading, processing and distribution.

We grow and source a wide range of fruits, vegetables, grains and commodities across Africa to customers across the globe

By leveraging technology and innovative models, we create the most efficient and affordable ways to produce crops and add value.


Smallholder farmers are the key to food security in Africa. Not only do they hold large swaths of arable land, but they also constitute about 70% of the workforce on the continent. However, they are bedevilled by a myriad of challenges ranging from low yields, post-harvest losses, lack of finance, low mechanization and poor access to markets.

& Logistics

One of the most challenging factors facing smallholder farmers in Africa is the issue of post-harvest losses, which is caused by the decrepit state of infrastructure as well as the non existence of storage facilities. Farmers are forced to sell off produce at ridiculously low prices to middlemen in order to avoid Post harvest losses.


Guaranteed market access is the most vital part of the triangle of profitable success for smallholder farmers. At Kyrenia's Farm, we provide reliable access to local and global markets for smallholder farmers. We buy up all our smallholder's produce and add value, thereby giving them a guaranteed income and greater potential for profit.

Our Value Chain Approach

Kyrenia's Farm
Our export destination

United Kingdom, China and the United States
Our Current assignment,

Is to provide high quality, competitively priced, always available, accessible and timely delivered Palm oil, Garri and Soybean products.

Growth in agriculture has been proven to be two to three times as effective at reducing extreme poverty, promoting economic growth and ensuring food security than any other sector. And because 80% of food is produced by smallholder farmers, one of Kyrenia's Farm ultimate goal is to continue providing smallholder farmers opportunities to scale.”

Aiseosa Ogunbor

CEO & Founder Kyrenia's Farm